“Esther Flückiger belongs to the uncompromising musicians of the contemporary music scene in Europe. She fires the creative fields of tension between tradition and avant-garde with gripping style wanderings between Classical & Contemporary Music, Ethno, Electronics and Jazz & Groove. For decades the Swiss artist, who lives in Italy, has been performing worldwide as a pianist, composer and improviser.”
Esther Flückiger, an italian-based native of Switzerland,
is a pianist and composer and known for her ability to connect different musical worlds and art.
Her creative ideas are unlimited and she is continuously experimenting new musical directions and emotional music challenges, avoiding previous musical paths. She focuses on the interpretation of contemporary and traditional music, free improvisation and electronic music. She plays with different stylistic directions both solo and in ensemble.
Few artists like her feel comfortable playing improvised or composed music in concert halls, jazz clubs or unfamiliar places and spheres.
“Esther Flückiger schöpft in ihren Kompositionen aus einem reichen Fundament, das ihre Vertrautheit sowohl mit dem klassischen Repertoire wie auch mit den Jazz-Idiomen zeigt. Besonders intensive Momente ergeben sich immer, wenn Flückiger sich ganz auf ihr stupendes Klavierspiel konzentriert.“
“Esther, You’re creating something special out here! Keep pouring your soul into it; people are listening.”
“Esther is a stream of energy, intuition and creativity. She captures every musical input, works it out and leads it on with her originality. She is an ideal companion on musical journeys: there is never any monotony with her.”
“Congrats Esther, we absolutely love the originality of your music.“
“Esther Flückiger, una femme fatale e una bambina giocosa piena d’energia e d’invenzione. Quando suona il pianoforte esprime tutta la delicatezza nel tocco, l’effervescenza negli oggetti più disparati che vi infila dentro e con i quali esplora tutte le gradazioni tra suono e rumore con il suo ricco universo sonoro, l’energia con i battiti provocatori sul mobile e sulle corde. La musica di Esther è come un viaggio emozionale in un paesaggio cangiante.“
“Estherrefatto il pianoforte potrebbe mettersi a scalciare, potrebbe abbassare l’ala, chiudere anima e tastiera; invece eccolo già addestrato, eccolo cantare, trillare dentro il pettine, sentite come fischia, come ora sa muggire, sa ringhiare e ululare con i rulli in azione; sa prendere anche il volo quando Esther domatrice ci porta come le piace, tutti noi con lei in volo..”
“If a few strands of fine blond hair were threaded through the strings of the grand coda and slid to make a violin sound I would say, Esther sure will be.
A Swiss from Bern cannot help but embrace a Hang and play it as a pianist. Hang is a tin flying saucer played by a madwoman.
The pianist likes to stick her head in the tail of the piano, to play it as a percussionist, then slide back to black and white, without neglecting any key. Her music is sometimes a head and tail, but of the kind wanted by experienced pilots who suddenly slip.“
“Ricordo un senso di dolce irrequietezza durante quel concerto.
Man mano si delineò come filo conduttore comune, e mise in gioco, in entrambi, quel sentimento di mancanza, quel desiderio del „qualcosa che non c’è“ della tensione verso il „qualcos’altro“. Non ho mai avuto dubbio di come quell’attegiamento faccia parte dell’essenza del „fare Musica“ e di come Esther ne sia assolutamente pervasa in maniera autentica, vera e creativa.“
“On n’arrête pas l’imagination d’Esther Flückiger.
Flückiger amène des idées parfois insolites mais toujours intéressantes et même passionnante. Cette artiste n’a plus besoin de démontrer ses talents, puisqu’elle a joué quasiment dans le monde entier.“