I am pleased to announce that our album BushAppeal
by The Thinkers (Esther Flückiger, Mabeleng Moholo, Volley Nchabeleng)
is now available on various platforms: We look forward to your interest, it's worth it!
Label: Elektramusic Berlin Listen to our new album with your favourite streaming app!
Press Release
"Very experimental in a very modern and minimalist style with those piano notes accompanied by all these folies that the pianist create. A multicultural work, an exciting ambience with African vocals and percussions."
"An intering artwork. A blend and transitions of different sounds. Great stuff.“
"El sonido va incrementandose cada vez que transcurren los segundos. Es interesante la combinacion de sonido dandole un tono y una postura increible."
"You're creating something special out here! Keep pouring your soul into it; people are listening."
"Belles vibrations et jolies passerelles musicales."