Susana Talayero Paintings and Design
“Microfantasticheria”, “L’Oiseau Prophète” e “Fantasias sobre Aviaries e Insectarios” are multimedia performances by Esther Flückiger music/piano and Susana Talayero, design/ painting.
These three projects deal with the wonderful creatures of flight (birds and insects). Toni Maraini literature/writing was also involved in “L’Oiseau Prophète”. The poetic text, the use of paintings and musical anthology don’t only interpret and recall the symbolic strength connected to the bird image but most importantly trace inventions, open new horizons and create new worlds.
The CD ‘Volo Libero‘ by Esther Flückiger (Pentaphon Roma) is also part of the project. The CD cover is a bird by the painter Susana Talayero. Esther Flückiger has another CD with pieces dedicated to birds, “Papillons and Paradisiers” (Nuova Era).
Other projects by Esther Flückiger on the subject of flight are:
“ Flying freely“, first performance at Miami 2006
“ Spazier_klang aves creaturas“ 2006
Performance “Volo Libero” (“Flying freely”)
A music -, light- and video performance
Flying freely is part of the series L’Oiseau Prophète, a multimedia project that treats the theme flying beings and animals of fantasy and brings suitable works of contemporary European women composers to performance. Esther Flückiger had performed this program several times, and it has always been very much appreciated by press and public.
The performance include:
– the shadow of E. Flückiger playing will be projected on the wall or a screen with a simple spotlight.
The pianist E. Flückiger has been compared for years with a spider or an insect at the piano because of her gestural expressiveness and mostly of the fingers during the performance.