Le musiche delle donne nel duemila


Suonodonne Italia



This publication is a document of the project Le musiche delle donne nel duemila, an iniziative of Suonodonne Italia in 2000, integrated in the usual Festival “Fra Nord e Sud”, in its fifth edition, with works especially written for this occasion by Italian Women Composers, members of Suonodonne, and played by Suonodonne members. The composers  could  draw inspiration by the poem L’udito by  Maurizia Rossella.

The works are published by Rugginenti Milan.

Suonodonne, founded in 1994 promotes the creative process in music by women in Italy (from the past till today, inclusive jazz, improvisation, performance, musical theatre).

Suonodonne runs an archive of music by female composers, which is located in the Novara Music Conservatory.