Interdisciplinary Projects

Here you can find my Interdisciplinary projects I played over all of these years. I experimented with visual art and sounds with my music. 


Performance by Esther Flückiger, inspired by the four elements (earth, water, air and fire) in Leonardo da Vinci’s writings.

Production AGON Milan
Flying Beings

“Microfantasticheria”, “L’Oiseau Prophète” e “Fantasias sobre Aviaries e Insectarios” are multimedia performances by Esther Flückiger music/piano and Susana Talayero, design/ painting.

Sogni più belli della realtà svelata

The story of Emily Kempin-Spyrri, the first female lawyer in the German speaking territor, and as well the nice of Johanna Spyrri, who by the end of her life, in 1899, applies for a job of a maiden in a priest’s house.

Verso Nikà

Verso Nikà is an artistic creation project that stems from the friendship and collaboration between three women artists of different nationalities, who have Italy in common as a land of formation and development of their work and human journey.


Desertificazione is the title of this project. Its delivery is the major part of the whole event. It is constructive, but leaves a lot of room for chance.


The exhibition by Adolf Wölfli showed a selection of works from various periods of his career. The Adolf Wölfli Foundation in Bern gave us access to Wölfli’s works on the theme of music.  Pictures and sketches in which motifs such as Musikfässli (music barrels) and various signsare clearly reflected in musical language.