Sogni più belli della realtà svelata

Artists Involved

Anna Clementi (actress/singer)

Gianluca Ruggeri (percussions)

Massimo Mazzoni (saxophones)

Giovanna Barbati (cello)



Kind of Project

A Musictheater after the  entitled novel “Die Wachsflügelfrau” (the woman with the wings made of wax) of the Swiss writer Eveline Hasler.

The story of Emily Kempin-Spyrri, the first female lawyer in the German speaking territor, and as well the nice of Johanna Spyrri, who by the end of her life, in 1899, applies for a job of a maiden in a priest’s house.

Emily Kempin: A pioneer in the emanzipation in Switzerland, Germany and America. In New York she founded the first Low School for Women.

Great success in Rome, Milan and Basel were the performances took place in 2003 at the Sala Uno Theater, Rome and at the Palazzina Liberty, Milan and in 2005 at Gare du Nord, Basel