Spazier_klang aves creaturas



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Original compositions by Esther Flückiger

Electronic elaboration of the original compositions by Maura Capuzzo

Compositions and improvisations over the electronic part by Esther Flückiger

Piano, prepared piano, percussion, zither Esther Flückiger

Sound engineer Massimo Marchi

Production AGON

The composition was commissioned by the SUISA Foundation and  the City of Zurich.

The starting point of the project are flying creatures, insects and fantastic creatures, which Esther Flückiger has transformed several times in multimedia projects. Inspired also by Robert Walser’s “The Promenade/ The Walk, Flückiger composed“Spazier_klang” (sound_walk) from her eight piecesEsseri che si librano tra aria e acqua” (Beings hovering/floating between air and water).

The compositional work developed in three stages; – The recording of the eight compositions, including also improvised fragments and text fragments; – Electronic processing of these recordings by Maura Capuzzo in a fantastic and unreal sound dimension used by Flückiger for the third compositional stage. This allowed for new orientation and inspiration. She reconnected with the first compositional stage, processed it again, and the new time dimension provided space for further moments of improvisation.

Spazier_klang aves creaturas, 8 micrograms

1. Girovago, ein bescheidener Dichter spaziert
2. Marchand Tailleur und der Nähmaschinensound
3. Träume, Visionen: Il vuoto se ne va
4. Istituto di credito, taxfree
5. Abscheuliche Grosstuerei: Quelli come lei….
6. Köstliche Esssucht und Knorrlis Suppenrollerswing
7. Zwiegespräche timeless
8. Puesta de sol: Il passato dilegua, l’anima si tuffa, il cuore si ferma